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Available Summer 2022
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Marsha woke up in 2011, feeling different, she knew that everything in her life was about to change. Her life, to this point was truly amazing; a marketing expert, running her own successful business, working from home with the love of her life partner, raising two beautiful children, doing it all. What happened? She was entering the dark days of the soul and her life would never be the same….
Marsha explains her walk with the divine and how her intuitive trust and knowing helped her ride the waves of change during 4 years of loss, grief, sadness, shame and fear, and the tools she used to PLAY with Creator, revealing acceptance, and directed action to move into her place of Joy.
A passion for people, connector, teacher and coach, Marsha walks her creative truth by intuitively trusting Creator. All of us are experiencing divinity through this incredible COVID 19 pandemic…are you listening? Change is everywhere, this is life, embrace it. We must learn how to Ride the Waves of Change with Divine Trust. “PLAY” a daily practice, offering 3 ways to help counsel yourself and guide you to an intuitive future of creative knowing and trust.
Marsha tells her story of the dark days of her soul; career change, death, loss, secrets of the past and struggle to understand her own truth by watching her life crumble, with a peaceful intuitive knowing of Divine co-creation. An Urgent Call for Joy, trust Creator is listening and guiding us everyday to our own personal truth. Learn the language of the divine, in order to hear, feel, see our way with love.
Creator is speaking to you. Are you listening?
Your answers you will find within, PLAY will assist you in developing your trusted intuition to co-create with the Divine. Joy, peace and courage are inspired by PLAY.
Your soul is calling you….