Compassion The ultimate change to a new understanding. Compassion for you and for others, can heal this planet. You are a compassionate being of love. Believe it! And you will be able to let goContinue reading
Freedom What does freedom mean to you? For me it is the knowing that I am eternal and that I have the power to limitlessly create. What I have noticedContinue reading
Courage What does courage mean to you? Some may think of a warrior in battle as having courage. Courage is a silent force that allows us to take action inContinue reading
A Celebration of Life It is time that you join me in the celebration of your life. You are a miraculous being of Creator. We are sentient beings, learning fromContinue reading
My Blessed Mom On this year of 2022, my mom turned 97. When I started to write my book my mother was very ill with COVID 19 before it hadContinue reading
Body, Spirit & Mind on Earth I wanted to clarify why I chose to write these words in this order. Usually you will see the words written Body, Mind andContinue reading
Unity Love for self and others. We are all connected. Creator is our connection. What is in one is in another, what one does, so does another. What one feels,Continue reading
New Beginnings & the Spring Equinox March is the month we feel the light return, a hopeful sense of new beginnings. As the days begin to warm and the snowContinue reading
Truth and Trust Truth is what resonates for you through love. It also can be felt as a knowing, through our energy centres within the body. Understanding the Chakra System,Continue reading
New Year Intentions January is a great time to move forward with intentions. What is an intention? Intentions are personal desires that you would like to cocreate with Spirit. IntentionsContinue reading