New Year Intentions

January is a great time to move forward with intentions. What is an intention? Intentions are personal desires that you would like to cocreate with Spirit. Intentions are positive, compassionate, loving desires you have for you and all life on Earth. Unlike a resolution, which means to change the past, it is a future statement, more open statement that gives spirit an opportunity to guide you to the best possible solution that you desire to create at this time.

I work on my intentions through the month of January. Trying out statements that resonate for me in the energy of the new year. Here is what I have come up with so far “PLAY in Love, Joy, Curiosity and Peace, in my Power to serve my highest good on Earth.” The statement is open ended and gives room to grow and experience life as Creator wants for you.

Give it a try! You will be more likely to make this happen and be true to yourself in the process than any resolution to change that you have tried previously. I guarantee it! Every year presents potential for hope. Hope brings positive change.