New Beginnings & the Spring Equinox

March is the month we feel the light return, a hopeful sense of new beginnings. As the days begin to warm and the snow recedes, life hidden below the ground reaches up to the light for nourishment. In astrology the start of a new year is March in the sign of Aries. The new moon happens sometime in the first week of every month, under the it’s zodiac sign. This is a great time to set wish intentions of change for the weeks ahead. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars which is known to create assertion, desire, energy and action. When we speak of the change in time the phrase is Spring Forward representing the action of the astrology. It is the promise of moving forward from the dark days of winter where we reflected inward and now we are ready to birth and grow new ideas, new beliefs in our lives that move us forward in our personal growth throughout the summer. This is a joyful ritual centered around awakening, rebirth and growth. The Spring Equinox happens March 20 eastern time this year. This is when the sun crosses the plane of the equator towards the relevant hemisphere, making day and night of equal length.

Spiritual people use these planetary rhythms to create balance in their lives. 4 times a year there are Equinox (twice) and Solstice (twice). The equinox occurs when the day and night are equal (Spring and Fall ) and the solstices (Summer and Winter) are the longest and shortest days of the year.