My Blessed Mom

On this year of 2022, my mom turned 97. When I started to write my book my mother was very ill with COVID 19 before it had been announced in this country. Her resilience and the assistance of her family and great staff at her long-term care helped her with this battle. As we come to end of what has felt like a road to no return, hope fills our lives. This May being Mothers’ Day month, I feel compelled to speak about my mom. I have been by her side during most of the pandemic, always in spirit and recently in body and mind. What I have noticed about her is her great resilence, her incredible gratefulness for life and her particularly gentle kind soul that is always led by love to everyone who crosses her path. My mom was not particularly cuddly, but she always lent an ear to allow someone to be heard. Her love for children and humanity resonates from her being, and her kind and gentle smile is an assurance for everyone. What I have noticed over the 5 months of this year is her generally sparkly eyes, which she is well know for, fades here and there during the days she struggles with her energy. Now it is my time to reassure her that I will assist her in every way possible to allow her to take care of herself. In life our responsibilities change, what was once her job to look after her children is now our job to take care of her. This is the circle of life, and within that circle we have an opportunity to see ourselves and others differently. I hope when I need to rely on others to assist me that I will be as gracious and grateful. Her staff, of extremely hard working, caring individuals, love my mom. I am very happy to share her love with them as she has a way of brightening other’s days and making them remember why they give the way they do. Love goes a long way. Open your heart to your life and allow the energy of your love to flow through you. Maternal love is the most genuine cocreated love in the universe. To all women around the world Happy Mother’s Day! Compassion, kindness and love heals others.